A funeral Mass will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 3055 Bloor Street West, Etobicoke Ontario on January 16 2025 at 11:00 AM. A Celebration of Life will follow immediately at a nearby location. I do not have this information. For those who cannot attend, the funeral service will be line streamed at https://youtube.com/live/tfBkhf2rq4
Paul Davey
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Paul Davey. Paul was an integral part of league for many years.
Paul was a gifted athlete and was a die-hard Blue Jays and Leafs fan.
Our thoughts are with his family, friends and loved ones during this difficult time.
For celebration of life details follow the following link:
Barb Wade
It is with sadness that we share the passing of our friend Barb Wade on December 6, 2024.
Barb was a valued member of the ESSA team since its inception 30 years ago. Although she
did not play in the league, she had a tireless dedication to it and volunteered endless hours to
support it through various activities such as organizing trivia games, special event planning
and of course scorekeeping.
The Memorial Tournament was started in memory of her late husband, Art, and to raise money
for amateur baseball.
In recognition of Barb’s commitment and contributions over the years Barb was presented with
a Special Award at this year’s banquet.
Her loss will be felt by everyone that knew her.
Our thoughts are with family and friends during this difficult time.
We will share details regarding services or memorial arrangements as they become available.
Your Essa Board
ESSA 2025 Registration
To All ESSA Players!
As you know we launch registration for the next season at our Fall General Meeting and Banquet. The online registration form is now available at https://essaslopitch.com/essa-2025-registration/
The Board has decided there will be no changes to the fee structure for 2025.
If you register early the fee will be $130 including the banquet and that is good until Dec 1st, 2024.
If you register after Dec 1st the fee will be $150 including the banquet.
Your ESSA Board
You can check your registration status here: List of Registered Players.
Note that it may take a few days (for online registrations) to a few weeks (for mailed registrations) to show up here. Same applies for payments by e-transfer or mailed cheques.
ESSA’s Championship Game
Congratulations to the Irish Sheebeen Pub for their Championship game victory!
Shebeen’s followed up last year’s win for their 2nd championship in a row in a hard-fought battle with Roto-Rooter. Both teams played outstanding ball all year and didn’t disappoint in this year’s final. Just a 1 run game!! I’m sure both Terry Jackson and George Cushing are very proud of their teams’ achievements this year.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Fall General Meeting & Banquet onWednesday, October 2nd at 10:00 am at the Canadiana Restaurant.
Your ESSA Board

Championship Game Wednesday, Sept 11th
To All ESSA Players, Spares, Scorekeepers & Fans!
Please note we are postponing the Championship Game between Shebeen’s & Roto Rooter until Wednesday Sept 11th. Same time and same place due to weather concerns for tomorrow.
Hope to see you there!
Your ESSA Board
ESSA Notices & Reminders
To All Players, Spares, Scorekeepers, Umpires!
Please review the following notices and upcoming Events!!
Team Sweaters
As you know we are down to the last two games of regular season play. Each year we ask all players to come to the last game Wed Aug 28th with an extra shirt so you can return your team sweater to your captain. It may come down to the Wednesday games to determine all 4 teams that will go onto the semi-final games. We would really appreciate your co-operation, so board members do not have to chase down sweaters
End of Season Picnic
Just a reminder that we will hold our end of season after the game Wed Aug 28th after the games. Look forward to seeing everyone there!
Playoff Schedule
The two semi final games will be played on Diamond #3 & #4 Wednesday September 4th at 9:45 am. The Championship Game will be held on Monday September 9th on Diamond #4 at 9:45 am.
Annual Fall General Meeting & Banquet
This will be held on Wednesday October 2nd at 10:00 am. Please make sure you let your captain know if you plan on attending , if you are bringing a guest and your menu choice.
See you on the fields!!
Your ESSA Board
Annual Banquet & Fall Meeting
To All ESSA Players, Spares & Scorekeepers!
It is hard to believe how fast the season is moving! The last game of the Qualifying Rounds is Wednesday August 28th. Semi Finals Wed Sept 4th and the Championship Game on Monday Sept 9th.
We wanted to give you a heads up that our Annual Banquet & the Fall General Meeting on Wed Oct 2/2024 at 10:00 am. at the Canadiana Restaurant, 5230 Dundas St. W., Toronto – 416-239-1114 located in the Six Points Plaza downstairs. (For our new players this is a sit down three course meal)
For players, the cost of the banquet is part of your registration fee. Your captain will have forms next week and we ask that If you plan to attend or you have a guest that will be joining us, please let then know. At that time, they will also ask you what your main course menu choice will be.
We hope you will join us and stay tuned for more information from Sandy DiLena our Events Co-ordinator.
Your ESSA Board
Qualifying Round Rules
To All ESSA Players, Spares, Scorekeepers and Umpires!
As you are aware Qualifying Rounds (last 14 games per your schedule) begin on Wednesday July 10th. These games will determine the 4 teams that will make the Semi Final Games on Wed Sept 4th.
In the first 14 games some of the rules were modified as these games do not count towards the playoff standing. The following rules will be applied specifically in the qualifying round/playoffs. Your captains should cover these and if you have any questions, please let them know.
#4 The Game
· 4(A) Playoff qualification round, semi-final and final games must determine a winner so extra innings are played; the International Tie-Breaker Rules are used for all extra innings.
o The tiebreaker method starts in the top of the first extra inning and continues each inning thereafter. The offensive (at bat) team shall begin
its half inning with one out and with the player whose name precedes the next legal batter in the batting order starting as a runner at second
base. [This would normally be the last batter from the previous inning.
Regular substitution rules will apply to this runner.

· 4 (E) If a rainout occurs, a double-header will be used on the next game day. (Game one will be for the rained out game and game two will be those previously scheduled for that date). Teams will play 2 X 7 inning games
#7 The Players
- # 5(D) If fewer than 11 players are expected, a team should call up a Replacement Spare.
- Replacement Spares must be selected prior to selecting from the Bye Team.
- Replacement Spares must of the same rank or lower than the player to be replaced. If replacement spare is not found, an automatic out will occur.
- Spare players in the playoffs must be approved by the Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner and Past Commissioner
- #5 (F) For the playoff qualification round/playoffs: When a team has fewer than 11 players at game time, automatic outs must be added to the batting order to reach a roster of 11 players.
- It is the captain’s choice where the automatic outs are assigned. (Once assigned cannot be moved to another spot during that game)
- If a player is injured during a game and it takes the team below 11 no automatic outs will apply.
- #5(K) For the playoff/qualification round/playoff players in the batting order must also play in the field.
#6 Pitching
- #6 (B) (b) The pitcher must move behind the screen once the pitch has been thrown.
- Consequences for not moving behind the screen: if the ball comes in contact with the pitcher, the ball is dead the batter is awarded 1st base, and all other base runners advance one base.
#7. Batting
- #7(D) A batted ball hitting the plate is a dead ball and a strike is called. If it is the third strike the batter is out.
Heat related Decisions
- If there is situation where heat becomes a factor the captains will decide whether 7 or 9 innings will be played. All teams will play the same number of innings.
Your ESSA Board